“How the Seminars have influenced my Career Plans“

Over all I am very happy I took this module. I have taken many like it before but each time I feel I learn a little more useful tips and information along the way. The CV was the most beneficial to me yet, finally helping me to produce a CV and cover letter worthy of a science-based position. Finance is still a little vague for me but again, Ive learned a little more and I definitely know it will crop up somewhere in the future no doubt. The careers cafe was a good experience as I feel hearing about the career paths of others always instills a little confidence in me to do/that I can do the same.

I admit like many others that I wouldn’t attend as many seminars if I didn’t have to write about them, which is odd as I love hearing about current research from other academics. Hearing others speak about their work has reinforced my passion to become a researcher (specifically following seabirds/pollution/MPA designation and implementation) and I intend to take a master’s degree soon to further this and gain better postgraduate research skills. The workshops have also reinforced my self-confidence in that I can produce pieces of good writing and interview well.

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