Just to reiterate my opinion on a previous post regarding zoo’s…………..


There he was munching away with no idea of what was coming to him 😦

And I’m still supposed to believe zoo’s have wild animals best interests at heart when they do this to one of their own animals?!

May not have been the same zoo in question that I wrote about but never the less a zoo, and European. If this was a surplus human been killed it would be considered evil and an absolute outrage, but because they give money to conservation and people will forget about this death in time, I guess that makes it ok…….what a joke

The fact the animal was butchered into pieces in front of children, as can be seen in news pictures, is particularly disturbing, bizarre and macabre. Was it some sort of spectator sport?! More importantly is that now going to be those children’s idea of what a zoo is, a place to watch one of its animals been feed to the others. I cant see any educational value in this situation, other than how zoo’s can pick and choose when they want to help animals and when to just dispose of them.

The zoo’s excuse doesn’t wash with me; they say its their duty to prevent inbreeding. How about making it your duty to think more carefully before you breed too many of these poor sod’s.

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